A Poente...

A Poente...
Na Baía de Nacala!


encontra Mapebanes

Luso calaico

Luso calaico
visita Etxwabo

sexta-feira, 6 de abril de 2012

Contra globalização...

“Following the independence of most African countries in the 1960s, and within the context of the ideological rivalry engendered by the Cold War, the early years of development theory involved an extremely mechanical transposition of concepts fashioned in respect of very distinct Western or Eastern settings. During at least two decades, so-called experts merely transferred their blueprints to an environment whose historical, social and cultural specificities they hardly knew, or even cared to discover.”
“It ought now to be possible to give attention to cultural factors without giving the slightest credence to those who believe in the innate inferiority of Africans”.

Patrick Chabal, Africa Works, Disorder as political instrument, Africam Issues, 1999, página 126, 128, 129.